Adelphi University Graduation Photographer

Adelphi University Graduation Photographer

Adelphi University Graduation Photographer

If you have landed on this page, chances are that you are graduating from Adelphi University and need a Graduation Photographer to take portraits of you on your graduation day, or some other time either before or after your graduation day.

Where do you travel to for graduation photoshoots? Will you travel to me?

I can absolutely travel to you. Many times I get asked to photograph on the Adelphi University campus as it has special meaning to the graduate. I also get asked to photograph graduation photos at some of the most popular locations in Long Island and NYC.

Do you offer in studio options for graduation portraits?

Yes! Every so often I get requests for studio graduation photos and I am more than happy to capture traditional and modern graduation portraits of you in your cap and gown at my Garden City, NY studio location which is conveniently located near your campus.

Are you available to photograph my graduation? How soon do I need to book?

I do lots of graduation photo shoots subject to availability so if you would like to book me please get in touch with me as soon as possible by filling out the contact form below.



Location: Adelphi University, Long Island, NY.